Your savings evaporate, and your cost of living gets out of touch with the money you're pulling in. Eventually, when wages don't keep pace with the cost of goods, you just stop buying things, except rent and food.
Suddenly, no one's buying cars, or electronics, or homes, or building materials. Money stops moving. And bam! The economy falls apart.
When an economy crashes, work dries up, people stay home, extra bedrooms get filled, daycare disappears and families pull together.
This happened to Buenos Aires ten years ago. The whole system fell apart, so they circled the community wagons. And you can see the aftermath of these values in every park. Children are a focus here. Family events. Weekend fairs. Merry-go-rounds. Hundreds of toy stores.
When you don't have money, you have time. And in Argentina, they spent that time with their children and families.
The People's Gym.
Puppet shows in the park.
A shot from the 'round'.
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