Sunday, 11 March 2012


I spend a crazy amount of time at the Disco.

Now, this isn't half as glamourous as it sounds. It's not glamourous at all.

The Disco is a supermarket here in Buenos Aires. And a necessary evil.

Just as we ravenously consume its goods, it mercilessly consumes my time. Here's why:

1. I have these two little eating machines that never stop. I bet the twins put back more than I do. We go through as much food as I can carry every couple of days.

2. The checkout process is ridiculously slow. I don't know what they are paying these cashiers, but note to Disco higher-ups: you need to pay them more. There can be long jangling lines of 10-15 customers at a time, deep into the aisles, sighing, slouched over their carts, and still the cashiers move with this Zen-like, sloth indifference. Faster, slower, same thing. I spent an hour in line once. An hour! Just to buy my insatiable creatures food. At Disco, they're lucky to go through 3 people in 20 minutes. I've picked up the local trick of getting 3/4 of what I need, and then leaving the cart in line to hold my place, while I run around finding Diana Arroz and wipes and other stuff.

They need to fill out these coupons by hand. It takes forever. I don't know what they are doing.

Every time I go there, I get these vouchers. But I have no idea what they are for. When I buy something I just hand over a stack of 10 and fan them out like playing cards. But they always say something like 'manana' or 'no aqui.' So I just keep collectin'.

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