Tuesday, 21 February 2012

More Idiosyncrasies

Here are a few more of the differences I've noticed about Buenos Aires.

Buenos Aires is Sinking

They love their liquidacion sales here. Pretty much every store has a 50-60% sale going on. But these aren't fire sales, or a clearance sales, or match-missed sales or overstocked sales - they're liquicidacion sales - every last one of them.

Cold enough for ya?

Maria pointed out that you can buy bras here with built-in "nipples." Hmm.


These things are whimsical works of art. This picture is an insult to justice. They have the numbers and routes painted right on them and they look amazing. I'm leaving this in Maria's court.

Bottle Deposits

You get 2.2 pesos back every time you return a 1 litre bottle. But you can only spend that money on more beer. There are worse fates, I guess.

Had my third person ask me for directions the other day. This time I actually knew what they were talking about.


When I first got here I thought Claro was the biggest district in Buenos Aires. Turns out they are a cell phone company that has ad space on every street sign in the city. Reminds me a bit of the Infinite Jest.

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