This trip has been an experiment in working remotely.
The plan was to work online for my clients back home, but live where it's a.) Sunny every day - we've had 3 overcast days in the last 85. And b.)
Half the price.
It seems like a good idea on paper. The trick was to not lose any clients, and hopefully gain some new ones while I was here.
Luckily, my clients were onboard with the idea (so a huge thanks to Neil, Shaun, Anthea, Chris, Susan, Laura, Marlene, Donna, Rob and Doris).
However, I didn't pick up any new ones. And that's the kicker of working remotely - it's hard to generate new work.
I gave it a shot. I met with Ogilvy, Saatchi, BBDO, Ponce and I have a sit-down with DraftFCB on Friday.
I contacted people from every agency in town, and literally walked in the door of Publicis, JWT, TBWA, DDB, Madre, Grey and Santo - but no one seems to be looking for an
English copywriter.
My Spanish is very poor - so that might have been part of it, but the language barrier never stopped me before. The other issue is that the economy is uncertain here, and there are hiring freezes everywhere.
This has been much more difficult than when
I found work in Hong Kong.
Also, although I cut my expenses in half - working without an office can be a bit tricky with two wild screaming creatures running around.
The plan was to stay if I could find work here and if my clients were cool with the idea. But it's looking like we're coming home after all on Monday.
Well, we'll see how Friday goes.
So that's where my shoes are!